Homemade Vegan Endurance Gel Recipe

As we build towards summer marathons, trail ultras, bike races, and hiking season, many of us turn to endurance gels to fuel our training sessions and events.
The only problem? They’re expensive!
Even when buying in bulk, each 100-calorie gel will typically cost about $1.50 to $2.00. And since endurance athletes will want to take in at least 200 calories per hour, those long runs, rides, or hikes can really start to burn a hole in your pocket.
My solution? Make your own at home! In this post, I’m sharing a recipe for homemade vegan endurance gel that’s unbelievably simple and convenient. It’s vegan too.
First, let’s make sure that my recipe is comparable to one of the leading brands:
Comparison with Leading Brand

Other than the 2.5 g of additional fat, my homemade gel is pretty well identical to the Hammer Gel Hazelnut Chocolate. But hopefully you spotted the biggest difference : the price. The homemade gel costs only 14 cents, which is only 7% of the cost of the store-bought equivalents!
Now that we know it’ll properly fuel our endurance endeavors, let me show you how to make it!
Homemade Vegan Endurance Gel Ingredients
- Betty Crocker Creamy Frosting (French Chocolate)
Homemade Vegan Endurance Gel Recipe

And that’s all! Now you know how to make vegan endurance gels at home for only 14 cents per serving with ingredients you can find at any local supermarket or corner store.