An Absurd Pastime: A New Perspective on Post-Trail Depression

An Absurd Pastime: A New Perspective on Post-Trail Depression

Pretty much anyone that’s gone on a long hike and come home to an internet connection has made a post of some kind about post-trail depression. My favourites are this article based on interviews with thruhikers by Anne K. Baker and this discussion on r/PacificCrestTrail 

A Comparative Analysis of OREO Cookies and Stuf

A Comparative Analysis of OREO Cookies and Stuf

Background OREO cookies have always been a part of my life. In elementary school, finding that my mom had packed a few in my lunch was an occasion worth celebrating. Later in life, my love affair with OREOs really began in earnest when I started 

May is the Best Time to Start the Pacific Crest Trail

May is the Best Time to Start the Pacific Crest Trail

First of all, the title of this blog post is purposefully clickbait-y and should be disregarded as advice. The best start date for a PCT thruhike is an individual decision and varies greatly depending on the hiker’s fitness, style, time constraints and direction of travel, 

Becoming Elite and the Value of Just Showing Up

Becoming Elite and the Value of Just Showing Up

As I was getting ready for my daily training run this Tuesday morning, I checked the piece of paper I keep on my dresser on which my coach had scribbled my training plan for the week. It said that I was supposed to run 13 

Thruhiking and Feelings of Accomplishment

Thruhiking and Feelings of Accomplishment

My PCT thruhike this summer ended in a whirlwind. I touched the monument in the pre-dawn darkness feeling a confusing mix of relief and apprehension, took some photos like I had daydreamed about for the previous three months, and then immediately made the exhausting journey 

Thruhiking is Not a Big Deal

Thruhiking is Not a Big Deal

As I was hiking the PCT this year, I had the pleasure of writing about, and sharing with you folks, my day-to-day experience as I went along. What I didn’t do was take the time to seriously reflect on any ideas I had about the 

Annapurna Circuit Advice

Annapurna Circuit Advice

While hiking the Annapurna Circuit, I learned a thing or two about how to get the most out of my experience with the trail and surrounding area. Not only that, but because this route has become so commercialized and popular with first-time backpackers, I witnessed